Trucker Singin' Sam sings political tune
Juneau,Alaska,USA - Today's Trucking (CAN) -3 March 2010: -- He can't see Russia from his house, we're not sure how good of a shot he is, and he sure ain't a former beauty queen, but trucker 'Singin Sam' Little is hoping he still has what it takes to take Sarah Palin's former seat as Alaska's next governor... The 67-year-old American trucker, who hauls through western Canada between Alaska and Washington, hopes that a down-to-earth truck driver will be able to help the people of Alaska... Like Palin, his ability to speak plainly about issues and connect with average working class people should come in handy... Little will be running in the primary elections on Aug. 24 for the Republican Party and part of his focus will be on creating jobs in the state and bringing Alaska into the International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA)... (Photo: trucker 'Singin Sam' Little)Labels: truckers' stories
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