User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: RULES * USA - New Texas truck rules slated to take effect Sept. 1

Sep 1, 2009

RULES * USA - New Texas truck rules slated to take effect Sept. 1

Several rules that affect trucking in Texas soon will be getting a makeover

TX,USA -Land Line Magazine, by Keith Goble -August 27, 2009: ... During the legislative session that ended this spring, lawmakers authorized changes that include shifting certain trucking-related duties away from TxDOT. They also allowed an idling exemption to expire. The changes take effect Tuesday, Sept. 1... One new law, shifts from the Texas Department of Transportation to the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles duties that include motor vehicle titling, vehicle registration and oversight of trucking... Another rule: Truckers stopping in Texas may soon see enforcement of anti-idling rules stepped up as an exemption of many local government-enforced idling restrictions expires... Some major changes for commercial vehicles will affect driver’s licensing. Truckers will be disqualified from operating a commercial vehicle for life if they use any motor vehicle in an offense that involves the transportation, concealment or harboring of an alien... (Photo from roadtransport (UK) -Trucks Texas/USA)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Living in Texas, we have several new transportation related regulations that came in effect on Sept 1. New car seat laws as well as these trucking related changes. The bad news is that TxDOT nor the EPS / Dept of Motor Vehicles made the public aware of these changes.

We happened on the car seat rules by attending the Disney Train event with my granddaughters. With all the TV, publicity ads and billboards these groups display; they easily could have made these changes knows to all Texans as well as the traveling public. It will be imposed upon everyone and is only fair we all be notified.

I really appreciate your post and sharing of this info. It is important facts we all need to know.

7:26 PM  

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