There’s been a lot of activity on the in-cab video technology front of late, with two studies being released within several weeks of each other
Washington,DC,USA -Fleet Owner, Sean Kilcarr -July 14, 2009: -- The first is an in-house case study SmartDrive Systems conducted withLoomis Armored, a big customer of theirs that employs over 8,000 people and operates a fleet of some 3,000 armored trucks and other vehicles in theU.S....The second is a Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) funded project conducted bythe Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI) with two over-the-road fleets, both using DriveCam’s driver risk management program... “Both carriers (long-haul and short-haul) significantly reduced the mean frequency of recorded events/miles traveled from baseline to intervention,” VTTI’s, Hickman, said. “The results prove that the combination of onboard safety monitoring and behavioral coaching were responsible for the significant reduction in the mean frequency of events/miles traveled at both carriers”... Loomis Armoredreported similar results with a 53% reduction in collision frequency... From his risk management perspective in the fleet business, there is always a better mouse trap, so it behooves any fleet to go out and test it to see what benefits it can provide... So while in-cab video might not be a magic wand, with the ability to “wave away” accidents, injuries and costs, it sure seems – in the right hands at least – to give fleets and their drivers an opportunity to achieve improvements in all three of those areas...
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