Irish haulage companies have been advised of a new lay-by ban that is set to come into force in parts of Cumbria
Cumbria,England,UK -HGV (Ireland) -28 June 2009: --Truck drivers are being banned from parking in lay-bys in parts of Cumbria for more than two hours at a time because of the amount of litter they leave in their slip stream... Cumbria Council Council has confirmed that it is poised to post warning signs around Carlisle on the back of complaints from locals and escalating clean up costs. The ban applies to parts of the A6, A595, A689 and A7... A spokesman said the Council had been coming under increasing pressure to take action against the litter laden truckers. The spokesman also confirmed that the Council had consulted withthe Freight Transport Association and the Road Haulage Association... The spokesman warned that drivers who flout the restrictions could face a fine.. (Photo from hankstruckpictures/len rogers: Donnell and Ellis, an Irish heavy haulage company)
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