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Jul 1, 2009

Commission's Communication * EU - Transport policy document

Brussels,Belgium -HGV -24 June 2009: -- The International Road Transport Union (IRU) has welcomed the publication of the EU Commission's Communication on "The future of European Transport Policy: towards an integrated, technologically-led and user-friendly transport system", which aims to launch a genuine public debate on the main direction of the European Transport Policy (ETP) for the years 2010-2020... While sharing many of the conclusions of the Commission's analysis, especially on the recognition of transport as an "essential component of the European economy" and its contribution to EU's GDP (7%) and jobs (over 5%), the IRU also welcomes the broad objectives set by the Commission, namely, to "establish a sustainable transport system that meets society's economic, social and environmental needs, and is conducive to an inclusive society and a fully integrated and competitive Europe"... The IRU says that such ambitious objectives, including environmental friendliness or placing users and workers and their needs and rights at the centre of policy making, can only be achieved be developing sound road transport policies supported by a strong business-friendly approach, in terms of legislation, reducing red tape, implementing incentives for introduction of technical innovation and best road transport business practices, to allow the road transport industry to drive a quicker economic recovery... (Picture from roadtransport (UK)/big-lorry-blog)



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