User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: "Risk Register" * Ireland - Gardai to target rogue operators

Jul 1, 2009

"Risk Register" * Ireland - Gardai to target rogue operators

Haulage companies that continually flout the road safety rules, are to be targeted by the Gardai, it has been confirmed

Dublin,Ireland -HGV -22 June 2009: -- ... Speaking last week at a Road Safety Conference in Dublin, Superintendent, Declan O'Brien, of the Garda Traffic Bureau said the checkpoints mounted on main roads at peak times earlier in the year had identified rogue operators who have been placed on what he termed a "risk register"... Several haulage companies had committed multiple road transport offences and would in future be targeted, he said... Under an initiative launched earlier this year, gardaĆ­, members of the RSA, the HSA and Customs officials have been targeting commercial vehicles to ensure compliance... (Picture from heavyhaulageireland)



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