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Jul 1, 2009

Infrastructures * USA - Lawmaker Urges Heavy Users to Pay for

Washington,DC,USA -The Journal of Commerce Online, by R.G. Edmonson -Jun 30, 2009: -- Sen. Boxer asks ports, rails, trucks to join in paying for transportation... The heavy users of the transportation system should bear the burden of paying for the infrastructure, according to Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif .... The Obama administration projects that the trust fund will be out of money in August, and Congress is considering ways to replenish the fund. Last September, lawmakers approved an $8 billion shift from the general fund... Last month the administration asked Congress to extend the current highway program for 18 months to allow time to find money to replenish HTF. Boxer and a number of key senators agreed to the plan, but House members led by Rep. James Oberstar, D-Minn., vowed to keep pushing for a new transportation bill before the current law expires on Sept. 30...



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