INFRASTRUCTURES * Europe - Safe, Efficient Routes For Dangerous Goods
Millions of trucks carrying billions of tonnes of toxic chemicals, highly flammable fuel and radioactive waste travel European roads each year, frequently passing through densely populated areas and using critical infrastructure, such as bridges and tunnels, with little guidance or oversight as to the safest route
Athens,Greece -ScienceDaily (Rockville,MD,USA) -June 3, 2009: —A new routing and monitoring system developed by European researchers for trucks carrying dangerous goods promises to make Europe’s roads safer while saving haulers time and money... An accident, a leak or a fire in any high-risk area could have catastrophic consequences, harming other road users and residents of nearby towns, as well as the environment and transport infrastructure...Working in the EU-funded Good Route project, Dimitrios Tzovaras, a researcher at the Informatics and Telematics Institute of the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) inGreece, led a team of researchers from six European countries in developing a routing, monitoring and safety enforcement system for dangerous goods vehicles... The platform combines information about road infrastructure and populated areas with real-time weather and traffic data from transport authorities to plot the safest itinerary for truck drivers to follow... While in transit, the truck’s position is monitored by GPS. A GPRS connection to a PDA in the truck’s cab allows transport company operators or traffic authorities to dynamically change routing information on the fly in the event of a traffic jam or deviation, always choosing the safest alternatives...(Photo from americanshipper- Hazmat loads)
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