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May 13, 2009

INFRASTRUCTURES FUNDS * Australia - Industry told to expect higher charges

Greater government investment in road infrastructure means trucking operators may be hit with higher charges on a regular basis

Canberra,Australia -ATN, by Brad Gardner -13 May 2009: -- ... As the Rudd Government fast-tracks key projects and prepares to set aside $25 billion in infrastructure funding next financial year, there are claims the road user charge will need to be constantly adjusted to keep pace... A spokesman for the Australian Trucking Association (ATA) says it is inevitable the industry will need to pay more, with each increase gradually eroding the fuel tax credit... The comments come as the ATA’s Transport and Economics Policy Committee prepares to meet over the proposed 0.7 cent increase to the road user charge, which will cut the fuel tax credit to 16.4 cents a litre... A decision will be made by the committee on May 18 on whether to back the increase, which the National Transport Commission (NTC) says is justified on the basis of government expenditure...(Picture from narrogincottagehomes: Road between Kulin and Kondinin southern end of the flooded section of the road)



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