User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: BIODIESEL TESTS * USA - Permaflo biodiesel weathers on Alaska’s extreme cold

Apr 11, 2009

BIODIESEL TESTS * USA - Permaflo biodiesel weathers on Alaska’s extreme cold

Overland Park,KS,USA -Bulk Transporter -Apr 8, 2009:  -- Low temperatures may be less of a problem in the future for biodiesel users thanks to a recent research project that involved Integrity Biofuels, the Indiana Soybean Alliance, and Purdue University... Arctic testing in Alaska in early March demonstrated the viability of the Permaflo Biodiesel product that was developed through the joint effort of the three groups. Dr Bernie Tao at Purdue directed the research effort. The Indiana Soybean Alliance provided the funding. Integrity Biofuels (a division of Grammer industries Inc) produced the biodiesel for the Alaska test... Permaflo is a biodiesel product that goes through additional refining to separate saturated from unsaturated methyl esters, which have a lower cloud point. This results in a biodiesel that can handle extreme cold down to -67 degrees F... (Photo: Pure B100 Permaflo Biodiesel is pumped into a 14 passenger minibus to make the trip to Fairbanks AK. The tote was sitting out - unheated - in the Alaskan weather. The temperature was hovering at 20 degrees F during fueling. Photo courtesy of Indiana Soybean Alliance)



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