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Mar 11, 2009

US Court Ruled * USA - Retailer not exempt from paying truckers overtime

Trenton,,N.J.,USA -Today's Trucking (CAN) -4 March 2009: -- A New Jersey Appeals Court ruled that a furniture retailer cannot take advantage of the trucking exemption in the state's overtime pay laws to avoid paying its delivery workers time-and-a-half when they work more than 40 hours a week... Raymour and Flanigan, a retail furniture business, also operates customer service centers and distribution centers, where it stores and warehouses its goods, then transports those goods by truck to customers... The three-judge appeals court ruled against the furniture company, saying, "Extending the exemption to retail industry employers, who conduct their delivery operations at a separate location, would be contrary to the purpose of the wage and hour legislation to protect the health and welfare of employees," the court ruled. "It would allow a retail business employer to avoid paying time-and-a-half of the employee's regular wage simply by placing the trucking and delivery operation of its business in a separate building."...



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