User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Fourth Time's a Charm? * USA - Special interests fight truck hours - again

Mar 11, 2009

Fourth Time's a Charm? * USA - Special interests fight truck hours - again

Interest groups cite evidence showing HOS is dangerous, but much of the available science says different

Washington,DC,USA -Today's Trucking (CAN) -10 March 2009: -- ... The Teamsters, Public Citizen, Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety, and the Truck Safety Coalition are once again attacking the five-year-old HOS rules in court... The rules, passed by the Bush Administration in 2003, allow drivers to drive 11 hours, one more than previously permitted, but require them to take more time off in a day, including eight consecutive hours off. Plus, the rules shut drivers down at 60 hours in a week and provide a 34-hour period to recover from cumulative fatigue... The rules have been challenged several times by safety groups already. The regulations were modified somewhat following the first challenge, but the revised rule was challenged again in 2005... In July 2007, the court remanded the HOS to FMCSA, ruling that the agency must provide better explanations of its justifications for adopting the controversial 11-hour drive time and 34-hour restart provisions... It did and in December 2007, FMCSA announced that it was keeping the 11-hour and the 34-hour provisions. In January 2008, a federal appeals court denied Public Citizen's subsequent request to invalidate that interim rule and a final rule was published late last year and went into effect in the final days of the Bush administration...



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