User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKING INDUSTRY NEWS * USA - Tough call: Mercer cuts 200 leased truckers

Mar 11, 2009

TRUCKING INDUSTRY NEWS * USA - Tough call: Mercer cuts 200 leased truckers

Louisville, Ky,USA -Land Line Magazine -March 6, 2009: -- The trucking industry was hit with another round of job cuts recently – sidelining yet another group of owner-operators... Dale Corum, general manager at Mercer Transportation confirmed to Land Line Magazine on Friday, March 6, that hundreds of owner-operators who were leased to the company, including some OOIDA members, were cut loose – adding to the casualties of the tough economic times facing the country... Corum said Mercer has reduced its fleet of owner-operators from more than 2,100 to approximately 1,900 in the past three weeks. He said Mercer is also looking to unload its trailers and get out of the lease-purchase business as well...



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