User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: WARNING * USA - Carriers report new wave of fraudulent DOT letters

Feb 23, 2009

WARNING * USA - Carriers report new wave of fraudulent DOT letters

Toronto,ONT,CAN -Today's Trucking -20 Feb 2009: -- Trucking groups in Canada and the U.S. are warning carriers of a new round of fraudulent letters from scammers purporting to be from the U.S. Department of Transportation... The so-called "phishing" letters, are usually sent via fax to trucking companies requesting payment or personal data and banking account information... The Ontario Trucking Association and the U.S. owner-op group OOIDA are two groups warning that a new wave of letters has been circulating... The DOT letterhead on the faxes appears authentic, authorities say (click here for an example)... According to OOIDA, the letters are signed by a fake name, such as “Joshua Greenberg, Senior Procurement Officer”... The return address is also '400 Seventh St. SW, Washington, DC,' which is the former address of the U.S. DOT headquarters...



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