UNPRECEDENTED FUEL INCREASES * USA - Have bruised and battered segments of the trucking industry
Wilkes Barre,PA,USA -The Wilkes Barre Times-Leader -August 10, 2008: -- Hence, we were surprised to hear trucking executives say last week they would prefer fuel taxes be increased – which would seem to add to their pain at the pump – instead of see the Pennsylvania Turnpike leased or tolls charged for using Interstate 80... The Pennsylvania Motor Truck Association and its national organization both contend Gov. Edward Rendell and lawmakers supporting either of the proposals are taking the easy road and avoiding the politically unsafe path of exploring other options... The most equitable tax, according to the trucking industry representatives, is increasing the tax on gasoline and diesel... The trucking industry makes a valid point: The tax is a levy that correlates directly with how often drivers use all highways, not just the turnpike or I-80... In addition, it gives motorists an option to reduce their tax burden by offering an incentive to lower consumption. It’s a personal choice, they argue, whether to drive an unquenchable Hummer or a fuel-stingy Prius...
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