User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: ELECTRIC TRUCKS * Canada - Transport Canada sets low-speed standard - slow ahead

Aug 10, 2008

ELECTRIC TRUCKS * Canada - Transport Canada sets low-speed standard - slow ahead

Transport Canada has lit another red light for low-speed electric vehicles in Canada, adding LSV trucks to the category they simply don't want to see on Canadian roads

Ottawa,ONT,CAN - Transport Canada (PR)/The Vancouver Sun (Vancouver,BC), by Craig McInnes -10 Aug 2008: -- Transport Minister Lawrence Cannon argues correctly that they don't meet the safety standards required for ordinary cars and trucks. But other jurisdictions, including Washington State (USA), have allowed them on roads with a speed limit of 35 miles per hour or less... British Columbia is only allowing them on roads with a maximum of 40 kilometres per hour, effectively limiting their use to private institutional or industrial sites... (Picture: Low speed electric vehicle E-SUV Inc.)



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