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Aug 8, 2008

Interstate 80 tolls * USA - Truckers size up road maps

Non-toll road use could backfire for trucks due to increased fuel use, delivery delays, say firms

Wilkes Barre,PA,USA -The Wilkes Barre Times-Leader, by ANDREW M. SEDER -August 8, 2008: -- A proposal to toll Interstate 80 throughout Pennsylvania could lead to increased traffic congestion along roadways that could be used as alternates to the east-west thoroughfare. In this corner of the state, that would include state Routes 115, 118, 940 and 611 and U.S. Route 11... While cash-strapped commuters might get creative with their daily routes to avoid paying tolls, trucking company officials said it’s more costly in most situations for big rigs to bypass interstates... Paula Evans, spokeswoman for Richmond, Va.-based Estes Express, said the company with eight terminals in Pennsylvania including one in Scranton relies heavily on I-80. It likely will continue to, even with tolls... Tom Williams, business development manager at Calex Logistics in Yatesville, said that adding tolls to I-80 would cost Calex $500,000 to $600,000 annually. Those costs would be passed along to the consumer of whatever products are being transported along I-80... “That’s a big number,” Williams said. “We can not absorb a cost like that”...



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