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Aug 8, 2008

DISTRACTED WALKERS FINED * USA - Illinois bill would outlaw talking while walking

With lawmakers in many states looking into ways to curb driving while distracted, an effort at the Illinois statehouse is focused on walking while distracted

ILL,USA -Land Line Magazine -August 7, 2008: -- ... Rep. Ken Dunkin, D-Chicago, is the sponsor of a bill that would fine people who are caught using cell phones or other wireless devices while crossing streets. Anyone foolish enough to attempt such a maneuver would risk a $25 fine... Advocates say the ban on talking while walking is needed to help curb potential run-ins on sidewalks and roadways. They say that just as it is distracting to drive while talking or “texting,” it is dangerous for people to cross streets with their attention focused on another task...



Blogger Unknown said...

FLUNKIN DUNKIN! After reading the article I'm alarmed that a State Representative who's district is facing so many serious problems is spending his time introducing such unnecessary legisltaion. It's not laughable, it's just plain irresponsible. Ken Dunkin should be more concerned with the children being killed on his streets and the state's buget crisis rather than the texting habbits of Chicago's walkers. What's he going to take on next, J walking?!
-Dan Balanoff

6:51 PM  

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