DENIED * USA - LA leaders reject transportation tax measure
Los Angeles County leaders denied a request on Tuesday to put a proposed half-cent sales tax increase on the November ballot that could raise up to $40 billion for road and transit projects, including the long-discussed subway to the sea
Los Angeles,CAL,USA -The Associated Press/The Mercury News -5 Aug 2008: -- The county board of supervisors voted 3-2 to reject the Metropolitan Transportation Authority's request to put the measure on the general election ballot. The supervisors who voted no said they were opposed to new taxes... The MTA would have to spend up to $10 million to put the measure on a separate ballot for the Nov. 4 election, but the agency said it would file a lawsuit to force the measure onto the existing ballot... Agency spokesman Rick Jager said the board was asked to consider whether the measure was written correctly to be placed on the ballot...
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