User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TICKET SURCHARGES * USA - New Jersey bill would rely on, to pay for patrols

Aug 21, 2008

TICKET SURCHARGES * USA - New Jersey bill would rely on, to pay for patrols

NJ,USA -Land Line Magazine, by Keith Goble -19 Aug 2008: -- If a New Jersey state lawmaker gets his way, drivers caught speeding would be tapped to help offset the charge that small towns must pay for State Police patrols... One fund would send $5,000 to $1 million in grants to cities and towns that have their own law enforcement. The rest of the money would be used to pay for full- and part-time state policing in rural areas... According to a statement attached to the bill, more than $80 million a year is expected to be generated for each fund through the surcharge...
Critics of the new plan say rural towns may need to cut spending, consolidate and possibly merge with other towns to pay for police protection. Others say it is unfair to shift to traffic violators the cost for police services...



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