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Aug 21, 2008


* USA - DOT Says Run Your Car on Water Technology Works

The critics say that this hydrogen on demand technology simply cannot work. A document by the U. S. Department of Transportation (DOT) stating that the critics are wrong

Washington,DC,USA -Green Tech Gazette -August 20, 2008: -- ... Yes, the DOT report, which is about the safe handling of hydrogen, states that “hydrogen injection” as they call it does reduce emissions and increase gas mileage... The report talks mostly about fuel cell cars or vehicles with internal combustion engines that run on compressed hydrogen gas or liquid hydrogen. It does, however, also give some room to cover hydrogen injection systems (focused on diesel engines) including the electrolysis of water... The DOT document focuses on run your car on water technology for diesel engines since this has been more widely developed and publicly acknowledged for use with long haul trucks... The point is that government acknowledgement of this emerging run your car on water technology is a good first step. No longer can there be a valid argument on whether or not this technology works... The only real question is “How well can I get it to work?”...

* UK - Sainsbury’s
to use landfill gas to power delivery lorries

Grocery giant Sainsbury's is to use a bio-methane combin
ation fuel in its heavy duty diesel lorries used on its Bristol to Dartmouth distribution route

Bristol,UK -New Energy Focus -20 Aug 2008: -- The move follows a trial of the "Genesis" Dual-Fuel, provided by US-owned company Clean Air Power... The combination fuel involves a mixture of standard diesel and methane gas sourced from a landfill site in Surrey, provided by Gasrec ... The "Running on Rubbish" initiative will operate on the 500km round trip from the Sainsbury's distribution centre at Emerald Park in Bristol to the supermarket's new environmental store in Dartmouth... As the fuel has been developed for an ordinary diesel engine, Sainsbury's will be able to use its existing fleet of Mercedes-Benz Axor lorries. The technology patented by Clean Air Power allows an existing diesel engine to operate on a combination of diesel and methane with minimal change required to the base engine. Up to 80% of diesel can be substituted by methane depending on the conditions... And, according to the makers of the fuel, the diesel engine's performance is maintained at a reduced cost when compared to using normal diesel fuel, and produces a marked reduction in carbon emissions...



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