User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: CLEAN TRUCKS DEBATE * USA - L.A., Long Beach OK grants for Mexican carriers

Aug 16, 2008

CLEAN TRUCKS DEBATE * USA - L.A., Long Beach OK grants for Mexican carriers

Program could pay for the replacement of trucks owned by Mexican trucking companies while it excludes U.S. trucks that run any miles outside of California

Grain Valley,MO,USA -Land Line Magazine, by Charlie Morasch -Aug. 15, 2008 – ... A Land Line investigation into the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach multibillion-dollar clean truck program, however, shows that the $2.2 billion program could pay for the replacement of trucks owned by Mexican trucking companies while it excludes U.S. trucks that run any miles outside of California... The Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles each have adopted clean trucks programs that phase out all pre-2007 emissions level trucks by December 2012, and phase in requirements that all trucks be operated by licensed concessionaires approved by the port. The Port of Los Angeles adopted further restrictions that eventually require all drivers to be company employees... On page five of the Clean Trucks Program application – which features logos of each port – the form asks applicants to check one of three types of operating authority numbers.

MC for motor carrier
FF for freight forwarder
MX for Mexican companies with federal authority to operate beyond commercial zones

The MX stands for “carriers that are based in Mexico,”
said Art Wong, a spokesman for the Port of Long Beach... Theresa Adams-Lopez, a spokeswoman for the Port of Los Angeles, also confirmed the Mexican truck classification in a statement but said it was “merely an inquiry during the application process”... Theoretically, a Mexican carrier could purchase a truck in the U.S., run only California miles and employ an American driver to meet immigration standards, Craig said... Craig pointed out the drayage economy in Los Angeles and Long Beach has been profitable for port trucking companies but not for owner-operators, who can’t afford to buy their own new trucks or to maintain existing ones...



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