User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: STUDY * Canada - Canadians’ driving habits unchanged

Aug 16, 2008

STUDY * Canada - Canadians’ driving habits unchanged

Ottawa,ONT,CAN -Land Line Magazine -August 15, 2008: -- Although the government has been telling us that Americans have reduced their driving by billions of miles due to the high price of fuel, a Canadian study says our neighbors to the north haven’t changed their driving habits... Statistics Canada reported that gas consumption has been increasing for the past year and a half and that average mileage this year is virtually unchanged from eight years ago... The Toronto Globe and Mail pointed out that there has been a population increase in rural areas. People living in those areas generally don’t have access to public transit. They have to drive to work and often require sturdier vehicles to navigate rough country roads... The Globe and Mail also reported other constraints on reducing energy consumption, such as the vast geography of Canada, the inbred car culture, the sprawling nature of Canadian cities, and the hostile winter climate...



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