REPORT * USA - 17th Annual Report On The Performance of State Highway Systems
USA -ITS America/Reason Foundation, by David T. Hartgen & Ravi K. Karanam -7 Aug 2008: -- The Reason Foundation's "17th Annual Report on the Performance of State Highway Systems" ranks North Dakota's state highway system as the most cost effective in the nation, with Montana, New Mexico, Wyoming, and Kansas following it in the top five. New Jersey, meanwhile, remained in last place... Thirty-five states now say at least 40 percent of their urban interstate highways are congested, compared to 31 states a year earlier, with only Montana, North Dakota, and Wyoming reporting no clogged interstates... The worst interstate highway congestion is in California, Minnesota, and North Carolina. Meanwhile, although the bridge collapse in Minneapolis last year drew attention to deficient bridges, Minnesota in fact was No. 5 among states with the least deficient bridges--just 13 percent deficient--while the worst were Rhode Island at 53 percent, New York at 38 percent, and Pennsylvania at 39 percent. Nevada had the smallest percentage of deficient bridges, at 3.9 percent... In terms of fatality rates, Massachusetts had the safest highways for the third straight year, while Montana's were the least safe...
* Researchers Map America's Deadliest Roads
Washington,DC,USA -The U.S. News & World Report -28 July 2008: -- Researchers at the University of Minnesota Center for Excellence in Rural Safety (CERS) have developed a Web site designed to raise public awareness of the need to drive safely by giving users a look at the deadliest roads in their area. By entering an address at, users can view a map or satellite image of all the road deaths that have occurred in the area. Searches can be narrowed to include the age of the driver involved in a fatal accident, whether speeding or drinking was a factor, and whether the driver was wearing a seat belt. Particularly targeted are drivers on rural roads, where according to the U.S. Federal Highway Administration 57 percent of all highway deaths occur. "When drivers type in their most common routes, they're shocked how much blood is being shed on it," says CERS Research Director Tom Horan...
* State Making It Easier to Travel
Chicago,ILL,USA -The Chicago Daily Herald, by Marni Pyke/ITS America -1 Aug, 2008: -- The Illinois State Toll Highway Authority is the latest agency to join the year-old Alliance for Toll Interoperability, which numbers 27 member agencies across the United States. The goal of the alliance is to create a system for electronic toll collection that will allow drivers to travel from state to state and in Canada without having to stop at tollbooths. Illinois already belongs to the E-ZPass Interagency Group that includes 24 members in 13 states...
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