User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: OPINION * USA - Restocking the Loading Dock

Aug 16, 2008

OPINION * USA - Restocking the Loading Dock

Truckload carriers forced to reassess their business as they work through one of the longest freight downturns in decades are finding renewed appreciation for the non-asset side of the trucking industry

Washington,DC,USA -Traffic World, by John Gallagher -18 Aug 2008: -- ... A stronger focus on dedicated fleet operations, more reliance on intermodal rail, and freight brokering are keeping big and small fleets from skidding too far off the road as fuel costs continue to take a large bite out of profits... Trucking bankruptcies among one-man, one-truck owner-operators, as well as fleet downsizing by large carriers is a big reason the supply-demand equation seems headed toward equilibrium, especially from the view out of corporate headquarters at the largest carriers... But smaller companies see business picking up as well. David Owen, president of the National Association of Small Trucking Companies, whose members' average fleet has 20 trucks, says he gets a good sense of capacity availability by tracking the ebb and flow of his association's membership... "We were probably over-capacity by about 90,000 trucks 18 months ago, and finally got caught up about a month ago," Owen said... "Those that couldn't survive the fuel crisis were first to get hit - mostly the owner-operators. But the good news is we've sold 47 new (memberships) in July, the first time we've been that high in 14 months"...



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