User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: BORDER CLOSURE * Argentina-Chile - Pass strands 2,000 trucks

Aug 4, 2008

BORDER CLOSURE * Argentina-Chile - Pass strands 2,000 trucks

Buenos Aires,CF,ARG -Xinhua/China daily -August 3, 2008: -- Some 2,000 trucks on Sunday were stranded due to the closure of the Cristo Redentor tunnel, the main pass between Argentina and Chile in the Andes mountain range, authorities said... The National Direction of Way from Argentina said Sunday that the bordering tunnel was closed due to a strong seasonal snow and wind, and it will not open because of the accumulation of snow on the Chilean side... Argentine authorities have advised drivers to use alternative roads in the localities in eastern provinces of Neuquen and Jujuy... The tunnel, the most important transportation pass between Argentina and Chile, has been interrupted several times due to the bad weather during the snow season... (Photo: Walter Moreno/AP/Diario Los Andes)



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