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May 7, 2008

FUEL COST TROUBLES * Canada - APTA wants tax cut on diesel

The head of the Atlantic Provinces Trucking Association is calling for the provincial government here to give truckers a break by slashing the tax on diesel by a dime a liter

Fredericton,AP,CAN -The Daily Gleaner/ Today's Trucking -6 May 2008: -- ... The APTA executive director, Peter Nelson, told that rising costs of fuel -- especially in the Atlantic provinces where prices are the most inflated -- has now trumped the shortage of drivers as the industry's top concern... Diesel pump prices have been around $1.40 for the past week. In more remote parts of the region, the price can be as much as $1.50... A spokesperson with the Department of Finance said a review of fuel taxes, among other consumption taxes, will be part of a green paper on tax reform in the province... A legislative committee will be then make recommendations to the government about tax policy...



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