User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: LOOK AT THIS INVENTION * USA - Will be trucks to produce electricity

May 6, 2008

LOOK AT THIS INVENTION * USA - Will be trucks to produce electricity

USA -Eco Talks, by Saba -6 May 2008: -- The truck can generate clean energy while transporting the goods: the Californian Terry Kenney has devised a system that uses the kinetic energy produced by the passage of the “bestioni” on the road. By placing a series of tanks to plates with fluids comprimibili below the road surface, the passage of trucks would replace the “pump” to operate a generator connected to the side road.. The idea will be tested in early June in the Port of Oakland: plates for trucks hold up to 82,000 kg, but are under study also projects to capture the kinetic energy produced by cars and trucks size smaller: the second the calculations made based on estimations of 2500 steps per day, the generator installed at the port will produce between 5,000 and 7,000 kwh per day, useful for about 1750 homes. Not bad for being a prototype...



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