Mentor,OH,USA -American Truckers At War, by RTaylor -5 May 2008: -- Anthony Vickers made a stop in Mentor on his way back to his Massachusetts home after an long time on the road... "Three months just trying to make ends meet with my household finances,” the father of three youngsters explains... The high price of diesel fuel, $4.30 at one gas station in Mentor, has made it impossible for Anthony to return home between jobs... “It’s too expensive,” he explains. “That leaves me out in the Midwest, fending myself, sending checks home to my family, the best I can.”... While this has been going on, Anthony has been taking back road to save money on tolls, sleeping in his truck, and listening on the radio about talk of the strike... Anthony says needs to get loads that pays two dollars-a-mile before he can make a run, so he spends many day idle. That increases his time away from home as well... Anthony says part of the problem is his truck only gets five-miles-a-gallon, while even newer, more effecient trucks only get seven... Truckers are having to stay on the road longer - away from family and home. Whether you are an owner/operator or company driver, the squeeze in on to save fuel at the expense of your family life... More and more drivers are leaving the job they love, unable to support their families. Already making less than minimun wage per actual hours worked, it’s getting harder as fuel continues it’s uphill... (Photo from WKYC - Too SEE VIDEO) Labels: truckers' stories
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