FUEL COST, ONE SOLUTION * USA - Congress moving toward oil reserve moratorium
Washington,DC,USA -Land Line Magazine, by Reed Black -May 13, 2008: -- In a January letter to President Bush, OOIDA President and CEO Jim Johnston proposed a temporary moratorium on putting more oil into the nation’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve... The reserve is nearly full now and Johnston said the practice increases fuel prices and reduces the oil available for production of diesel and gas... That proposal may become a reality – but not because the White House agreed to it. In fact, President Bush has threatened to veto any legislation that would impose a moratorium.
According to Congressional Quarterly, White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said Monday, May 12, that President Bush still opposes the move and in fact wants to expand the size of the reserve... However, according to OOIDA’s Washington, DC, staff, Congress was expected to vote as early as today in favor of a moratorium and may have the votes to override a veto...
* More fuel surcharge legislation introduced
Washington,DC,USA -Land Line Magazine -May 13, 2008: -- Another bill seeking to mandate that 100 percent of fuel surcharges collected on loads be passed through to the person buying the fuel has been introduced in Congress... The bill seeks to mandate that any middleman who either provides or arranges the movement of a load but doesn’t actually pay for the fuel it uses, pass 100 percent of any fuel surcharge collected on to the trucker or motor carrier who pays for the fuel... Rep. John Barrow, D-GA, introduced ’s legislation seeks to mandate penalties for those middlemen who do not pass along surcharges. The bill seeks to mandate penalties up to three times the amount of damages which would be paid to the U.S. government. Additional penalties equal to three times the damages plus attorneys fees would be payable to the trucker or motor carrier denied the surcharge...
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