"GREEN" RULES * USA - Cracking down on truck traffic
“You’ve been waiting 20 years? Well, there’s a new sheriff in town”
Skaneateles,N.Y.,USA -News 10 Now (Syracuse,NY), by Bill Carey-May 13, 2008: --... saidGovernorDavid Paterson...The relief was apparent inSkaneateles, where for two decades, residents and officials have asked the state to do something about truck traffic clogging village and town streets, especially large garbage haulers who've opted to divert off the interstates and follow shortcuts on their runs to area landfills...The governorsaid he would take steps to affect the entire Finger Lakes region... This new effort inSkaneatelesand elsewhere across the Finger Lakes is a test. If it works here, it will be expanded, statewide...People in places likeSkaneatelesexpect the impact to be immediate...The plan is due June 1st.The governorsays he will have the new rules put in effect as quickly as possible after that... An estimated 1.9 million trucks haul cargo through Central New York each year...
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