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May 14, 2008

Drunken Drivers * USA - California bill would mandate ignition interlocks for

First-time offenders of the state’s drunken driving law to install ignition interlock devices on their vehicles

Sacramento,CAL,USA -Land Line Magazine, by Keith Goble -May 13, 2008: -- A bill in the California Assembly would require first-time offenders of the state’s drunken driving law to install ignition interlock devices on their vehicles if they want to continue to drive... Interlocks are hooked up to the ignition of vehicles. Once such a device is installed, a driver must blow into a mouthpiece, which measures the amount of alcohol on a person’s breath. If the driver blows clean, the car will then start; if not, it won’t budge... Advocates for stricter drunken driving rules cite statistics that show drivers convicted of driving while intoxicated usually have driven drunk 87 times before being caught... There are 46 states that require the devices in some cases. In California, judges have authority to require use of the devices to allow offenders to drive to and from work or alcohol treatment...



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