* USA - FMC To L.A.-Long Beach Ports, We Want Some Answers
Long Beach,CA,USA -The Cunningham Report -3 April 2008: -- The Federal Maritime Commission wants to ports of Long Beach to answer some specific questions before it is willing to approve a discussion agreement that will allow the two ports to talk to its terminal operators about implementing the ports' clean truck plans... Many of these questions are the same ones the trucking industry has been asking since the plan was first unveiled. Many of the details of the plans are still being worked out. A sample of questions the FMC wants answered includes:
• What's the impact of the two ports having separate plans?
• Do both ports have to agree on how to implement the plan?
• How many applications for trucking concessions are expected to be submitted to each port?
• Will trucking companies that want to serve both ports have to file separate concession agreements and pay separate fees to each port?
• Will trucking companies with no prior port history be able to obtain a concession?
• What are the non-performance provisions in the concession agreements at each port?
• Describe the reporting requirements and reporting frequency, including record access, recordkeeping, and audit requirements for drayage companies?
• What will all the hardware and software cost for each program?
• How many drivers from the drayage workforce do the ports think they will lose from the program?
• How will long-haul trucks that occasionally visit the ports be treated?
• How much diversion to other ports is expected because of the clean truck plans?
• To what extent are the RFID tags tamper-proof?
• Tell all the reasons why a truck or driver could be denied access at a terminal?
• Compare and contrast how the ports' clean truck plans will differ from similar regulations being put together by the California Air Resources Board.
• What will be the effect at non-container terminals?...
Whether the ports can pull something together to satisfy the FMC will be the issue...
Labels: Clean Truck Program discussion
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