User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKERS' HEALTH * Canada - Trucker's diabetes no secret

Apr 4, 2008

TRUCKERS' HEALTH * Canada - Trucker's diabetes no secret

But medical certificate needed to drive big rigs

Edmonton,Alberta,CAN -The Edmonton Journal, by Jim Farrell -April 3, 2008: -- A fiery crash on Yellowhead Trail that killed truck driver Mark Santos seems destined to stir up controversy about insulin-dependent diabetics who drive big rigs... Santos' employer, his fellow drivers and Alberta Transportation all knew Santos was a diabetic... Indications were the 25-year-old had his disease under control -- until he ignored CB radio pleas from other drivers on Monday and motored into oncoming traffic, forcing drivers to head for the ditch... Commercial drivers with medical conditions are a continuing subject of debate among licensing bodies. Some years, the U.S. Federal Highway Administration issues waivers that allow insulin-dependent diabetics to obtain licences to drive semis. At other times, they have prohibited the practice. Alberta will issue Class 1 commercial licences to drivers with medical conditions such as heart disease, insulin-dependent diabetes and epilepsy, under certain conditions... (Photograph by : Shaughn Butts/Edmonton Journal - A semi truck and trailer lie underneath the Yellowhead Trail near 184 street. The driver was killed after smashing into a guard rail and crashing onto the railway tracks below)



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