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Feb 25, 2008

Keep trucks rolling * USA - Lower weight limit wouldn't help much

Detroit,MICH,USA -The Detroit Free Press -23 Feb 2008: -- Michigan allows the heaviest trucks in the nation on its roads, up to 164,000 pounds compared to the national average allowance of 80,000 pounds. The Legislature could lower the weight limits. However, the state Department of Transportation says only 600-900 of the 130,000 trucks registered to operate in Michigan are licensed to carry the maximum loads, and MDOT experts don't think they're a problem because the state also requires the loads to be spread over more axles than other states... Other factors to consider: The heaviest rigs travel mainly on the heavy-duty highways, not the surface streets and local roads that have the worst pothole problems this year. Changing limits on truck weights could discourage some commerce in Michigan at a time when the state really needs business activity. One logical result of requiring trucks to carry smaller loads would be more trucks on the road...



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