User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: * USA - On the Road Again

Feb 23, 2008

* USA - On the Road Again

VDOT takes each winter storm with an enormous grain of salt, a side of gravel and washes it down with brine

Roanoke,VA,USA -WSLS10, by Angela Hatcher -February 21, 2008: -- ... The big brine truck is heading in for the night. It’s worked all day long, spraying our roads, leaving salty streaks so the snow can’t stick... At 7 p.m., it’s time for round two. They load the trucks with the gritty, ice melting mixture they hope will thaw our roads and melt even the coldest of hearts... They have to be out here, loaded down for the longest haul, until the bad weather stops and every road is an open one...



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