User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: * USA - Big Rigs on Little Roads

Feb 22, 2008

* USA - Big Rigs on Little Roads

Neighbors that live on area rural roads are concerned about the noise, speed, and accidents caused by the big trucks

Bloomfield,N.Y.,USA -13wham, by Sean Carroll -22 Feb 2008: -- An overturned tractor trailer on Route I-490 disrupted traffic near downtown Rochester on Thursday afternoon and inconvenienced many drivers. But neighbors that live on area rural roads are concerned about the noise, speed, and accidents caused by the big trucks... The Bloomfield Town Board wrote letters to the trucking companies asking them--as a courtesy--to avoid the village roads... State DOT Commissioner Astrid Glynn said she's looking at ways to keep these trucks on the thruways and interstates and off smaller roads... Glynn said New York is one of the most truck dependent states in the country. She wants to balance that industry's concerns with those of neighbors to create safer trucking routes...



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