User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: BORDER TROUBLES * Iran / Turkmenistan - Iranian truck drivers protest over Turkmen police mistreatment

Feb 18, 2008

BORDER TROUBLES * Iran / Turkmenistan - Iranian truck drivers protest over Turkmen police mistreatment

Iran-Turkmenistan -IRNA -Feb 18, 2008: -- Some 80 Iranian truck drivers did not unload their cargos in protest to the misbehavior of Turkmenistan's police with one of their colleagues... The drivers said they would not unload their trucks "until the case of the beaten driver be legally followed up," the drivers' spokesman, Jafar Arab, told IRNA... A 60-year-old Iranian truck driver was severely beaten by Turkmen police on Sunday and hospitalized due to his serious injuries...



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