User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Chavez * Venezuela - "Does not plan on halting oil exports to the United States"

Feb 18, 2008

Chavez * Venezuela - "Does not plan on halting oil exports to the United States"

President Hugo Chavez sent a soothing message to American motorists on Sunday, saying that Venezuela is not preparing to cut off oil shipments to the United States

Caracas,Venezuela -Associated Press/The Detroit News (Detroit,Mich,USA), by CHRISTOPHER TOOTHAKER -February 18, 2008: -- ... The socialist leader rattled oil markets a week ago when he threatened to halt shipments to the United States in retaliation for Exxon Mobil Corp.'s success in convincing courts in the U.S. and Europe to freeze Venezuelan assets... Chavez has repeatedly warned against a possible U.S. invasion he says Washington would use to seize control of Venezuela's immense oil reserves... U.S. officials have denied any such plan exists... The United States relies on Venezuela for about 10 percent of its oil imports... The administration of Chavez -- a close ally of Cuban leader Fidel Castro -- is locked in a legal battle with Irving, Texas-based Exxon Mobil over compensation for the nationalization of one of four heavy oil projects in the Orinoco River basin...



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