Congestion Plan * USA - Would make fuel-efficient trucks pay less to enter New York
New York,NY,USA -AP/Internatinal Herald Tribune (Paris,France) -June 13, 2007: -- Under the original proposal, cars would pay $8 (€6) and trucks $21 (€16) to enter lower and central Manhattan during the day, as a way to reduce road congestion and encourage mass-transit use... But trucks that meet new federal guidelines for diesel engines could pay just $7 (€5) under his new proposal. Hybrid car drivers were not likely to get the same break... "We're going to build mass transit for people and discourage them from bringing their automobiles into the city — we're not building mass transit for truckers," Bloomberg said. "Truckers still have to drive their trucks in, so they are fundamentally different, and to try to make this a more equitable and balanced kind of program, we'll do this"...
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