Alexandria,Va,USA -Today's Trucking (CAN) -5 Feb 2007: -- Did you know that if you’re caught idling for more than 15 minutes in Salt Lake City, Utah, you can be sent to jail for up to six months? And that’s the first time they catch you? A first offence in Colorado can lead to a year in the pen... Of course Salt Lake’s rules might be a bit extreme... That’s also why the American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) has published yet another version of its Idling Regulations Compendium, which identifies 34 American locations where idling is either restricted or prohibited... While anti-idling bylaws are also appearing in Canadian municipalities, word has it that they’re not being too harshly enforced. Yet... However, a few of the municipalities with some form of anti-idling laws include: Vaughn, Ont.; Yellowknife; Vancouver; Guelph, Ont.; Kingston, Ont; London, Ont; Windsor, Ont. and Halifax... (Photo: Canada has anti-idling bylaws too, but they're generally more severe in the US)Labels: anti idlling areas
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