User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: * USA - Uniform trucking port licences advocated in

Jan 24, 2007

* USA - Uniform trucking port licences advocated in

After a licensing system brought some stability back to the Vancouver Port, U.S. ports want to try it too

Washington,DC,USA -Today's Trucking (CAN) -24 Jan 2007: -- A "taxi-style" licensing proposal for container truck drivers who access U.S. ports is being touted by two transportation researchers... According to the American Shipper, a planner at the US Department of Transportation's Volpe Center says mandatory licences for container haulage companies could lead to more compensatory rates and a more professional and efficient shuttle transport system... As was argued in Canada before a similar licensing scheme was implemented at the Port of Vancouver, drayage drivers are paid low piece rates to move containers to and from local warehouses and rail yards without any adjustment for congestion, fuel spikes, night shifts, or delays at the terminal or receiving dock...


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