ATA president * USA - The more recorders, the better, and ... "68 mph is fast enough"...
USA -eTrucker, by Avery Vise -24 Jan 2007: -- Rather than limit the productivity of the trucking industry as some fear, eventual widespread adoption of electronic on-board recorders actually could improve the management of trucking companies, American Trucking Associations President Bill Graves said in a speech to the Heavy Duty Dialogue, an annual meeting of the Heavy Duty Manufacturers Association. Currently, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration isn’t proposing a broad mandate. Rather, it seeks to target “bad actors” in the industry, an approach ATA endorses... Graves also defended ATA’s position that the speed of large trucks should be limited at 68 mph at point of manufacture. “I think 68 mph is fast enough, and we can effectively move the commerce of this country at that speed.”...
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