User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: "GREEN" NEWS - New global warming initiatives - Popping up worldwide

Jan 12, 2007

"GREEN" NEWS - New global warming initiatives - Popping up worldwide

Three new initiatives designed to combat global warming made news Wednesday in both the U.S. and Europe

* USA - New York,NY,USA -The Wall Street Journal -Jan 10, 2007: -- In California, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger announced that he was demanding greenhouse gases from cars and trucks be reduced by 10 percent by the year 2020... According to , the use of cleaner-burning ethanol is expected to be the centerpiece of the program... Meanwhile, in a separate initiative, governors from 37 states called on the Bush administration to nearly double the amount of ethanol use from the current 7.5 billion up to 12 billion gallons...

* Europe - Brussels,Belgium -AP -10 Jan 2007: -- The European Union announced plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to a level 20 percent lower than they were in 1990...

* USA - Wal-Mart Makes Money Being Green

San Francisco,CA,USA -Cleantech Blog/Green Car Congress (Washington,DC) -11 Jan 2007: -- ... Wal-Mart is making more green investment as it sees early returns in investments already made... Wal-Mart operates 3,300 trucks that in 2005 drove 455 million miles to make 900,000 deliveries to its 6,500 stores. Wal-Mart has set a goal of doubling the fuel efficiency of its new heavy-duty trucks from 6.5 to 13 miles per gallon by 2015, thereby keeping some 26 billion pounds of carbon dioxide out of the air between now and 2020...


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