User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: More Privatization ? * USA - Could be on the horizon in Indiana?

Jan 12, 2007

More Privatization ? * USA - Could be on the horizon in Indiana?

USA -Land Line Magazine /AP -Jan 8, 2007: -- After the leasing of the Indiana Toll Road a year ago, it should be obvious to residents in the state that Gov. Mitch Daniels is a fan of privatization. It should also be no surprise that the governor is looking into other leasing deals... Daniels’ agenda for the legislative session that began Monday, Jan. 8, is expected to include an effort to allow a private group to build and operate a toll route around a large portion of Indianapolis. The proposed 75-mile route would connect Interstate 69 northeast of the city with Interstate 70 to the southwest... The state would get money upfront and use it to help build the planned extension of I-69 through southern Indiana. It would be a toll-free route... House Democrats plan to hold hearings on the proposal in areas that would be affected by the bypass...

* USA - 97 percent say ‘no’ to privatized highways
USA -Land Line Magazine/CNN - Jan 10, 2007: -- Ninety-seven percent of respondents to a recent poll by CNN said they do not believe U.S. highways and roads should be owned by private companies, while only 3 percent said yes... Truckers interested in the issue of privatization of U.S. highways and infrastructure may have tuned in Tuesday, Jan. 9, to the cable news network’s program, “Lou Dobbs Tonight.”... OOIDA Executive Vice President Todd Spencer appeared on the program along with U.S. Rep. Peter DeFazio, D-OR, to speak out against a recent announcement by the U.S. Department of Transportation...


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