User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Trucking Task Force * USA - Long Beach councilwoman calls for

Jan 12, 2007

Trucking Task Force * USA - Long Beach councilwoman calls for

Long Beach,CA,USA -Land Line Magazine, by Reed Black -Jan 11, 2007: -- In Long Beach, CA, a city councilwoman is calling for a task force on the independent truckers who work out of the region’s ports... Suja Lowenthal, councilwoman for the city’s second district, told the truckers have bad wages and working conditions, and that their trucks – many of which are old – produce at least 30-percent of the pollutants in the area...
She said she hopes a regional task force will come up with programs to replace or retrofit the trucks, as well as improve economic conditions for the truckers... Lowenthal said truckers who work at the ports in Australia are much better off because the government has set minimum prices for the shipment of freight...


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