User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Census Bureau * USA - Releases trucking, warehousing revenue data

Jan 10, 2007

Census Bureau * USA - Releases trucking, warehousing revenue data

Washington,DC,USA -The Trucker -Jan. 9, 2007: -- Truck transportation, couriers and messengers, and warehousing and storage revenues reached $292 billion in 2005, up from $266 billion the year before, the U.S. Census Bureau reported today... Truck transportation alone reached $206 billion in 2005, up 11.0 percent. Couriers and messengers revenues grew 6.7 percent to $66 billion... The report, 2005 Service Annual Survey: Truck Transportation, Couriers and Messengers, and Warehousing and Storage, tracked business activity for firms with paid employees... Some highlights from trucking industries:


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