To ditch agri fees - Canada - Tells Americans on trucks
OTTAWA,CAN -Today's Trucking -16 Oct 2006: -- USDA's controversial rule to impose new border inspection charges on all Canadian trucks should be scrapped, say Canadian officials, who also question whether the interim rule is a violation of NAFTA trade obligations... "We ask that the formal rulemaking process for this interim rule be withdrawn," says a letter from the Canadian Embassy in Washington to the US Dept of Agriculture. "We would also seek bilateral discussions to identify any legitimate issues that may exist concerning cross-border movement of fruits and vegetables and to collaboratively address them in ways that do not disrupt trade"... The U.S. says it needs to step-up inspections to guard against pests and bio-terror risk in food and agriculture products -- especially those from abroad that are illegally being labeled as Canadian products... (Photo: Canadian officials say the 'needless' inspections could seriously disrupt the flow of traffic at busy border crossings)
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