User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Goodnews - Canada - Paccar plant safe from cuts

Aug 11, 2006

Goodnews - Canada - Paccar plant safe from cuts

Heavy truck sales expected to slow... But lighter vehicles are built at Ste. Therese

Montreal,Quebec,Canada -Montreal Gazette (subscription), by MIKE KING -August 10, 2006: -- A lowered 2007 sales forecast by the world's third-largest truck manufacturer shouldn't have as big an effect on its Canadian plant in the lower Laurentians as at its other North American operations, according to company officials... As a result, Gilles Gervais, general manager of the local factory, said there shouldn't be any interruption to plans announced in March to spend $3.8 million on job training to hire about 600 more workers at the assembly plant by the end of 2007...


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