User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TechnoNews - USA - Tracking businesses via high-tech

Jun 6, 2006

TechnoNews - USA - Tracking businesses via high-tech

Buffalo,NY,USA -Business First of Buffalo,by Tracey Drury -June 5, 2006: -- ... Today, drivers of the telecommunications company's 337 Western New York trucks drive more efficient routes and respond faster, thanks to advances in global positioning system (GPS) technology that allow dispatchers to keep track of everyone's location... It's been a big adjustment for employees, but has resulted in huge advantages for the company, including a significant increase in productivity and improved delivery of service... GPS and other technologies, such as radio frequency identification (RFID) are changing the way companies do business, both on the plant floor, in the warehouse and on the road... The technology allows users to combine voice and data on one device for constant communication, as well as tracking of vehicles in real-time...


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